I'm gonna be honest with you all its been almost a year since my first big break up where my heart actually stopped beating when he told me it was over. I thought I couldn't live without him ( what an idiot! I'm laughing out loud right now.) because him breaking up with me was the best thing that could have ever happened.
You know how people always tell you to grow a spine? I always thought that comment was so friggin' rude... I know now why I took offense BECAUSE I HAD NO SPINE, Duh! until that horrible day when he looked me in the eyes and told me he never loved me and that I was only his rebound. It was so strange because I wanted to cry but it was as if God was watering me with miracle grow on steroids. My spine grew twenty nine sizes that day. (I'm pretty sure the angels in heaven did a little dance)
Having a spine is very new to me. (any tips are greatly appreciated!) I used to be that stupid girl who would smile and nod at everything. I'd be whatever you wanted me to be in fact being anything I wasn't sure you'd want me to be was extremely discombobulating. Making waves OMG speaking my mind? Yeaaa I don't think so... It literally was the most uncomfortable things in the world but now speaking my mind, having an opinion, making choices, causing waves is my favorite thing to do. :D (with in reason, of course) I don't always cause trouble (cough) but I'll stand up for the truth and I'll be my complete quirky self whether you can handle or not.
So wherever you are... Thanks for being the guy who set my life in motion. You are the best worst thing to ever happen to me because by losing you I found myself.
p.s. Who ever is reading this.. I know you've been there. We all have and if you haven't reached this point in life yet just remember you'll come out even better than when you went in. :)