March 22, 2012


You know that saying a "Thankful heart is a..." yeah I don't remember the rest but I will say that at the start of this year God has been working in my heart to change it to appreciate life for what it is and what He's given me. I'm really good at being thankful for the big things in life but when it comes to the little things and then the things I never asked for or even wanted apart of my life... yeah that's where I fail and where God wanted a little tweaking. So we got to work. I wish I could say it all went smoothly but the beginning of the year is a little blurred and maybe for good reason?!?! aha but as it was pointed out to my heart more and more where I needed to just be thankful and go with the flow I began to be... It wasn't until today though as I was driving in the car with my mom and talking about people who just seem restless and always seem to find some form of discontent with life that it hit me that I wasn't discontent anymore. I wasn't always wanting for something better to happen... I was just content. It made me so happy. It's the greatest feeling in the world. Its freeing... life is far from what I ever pictured it as and trust me its not always fun and easy, I do still have my moments of stickiness but I try to remmeber that God is in control and I need to be thankful. I can say that I don't have this gnawing feeling that I want more out of life anymore. I'm realizing I have everything I really need and that's my Jesus, my family, and friends. The Lord has given me far beyond measure. I'm grateful for everything he's done and even for the bumps in the road because with those bumps I was able to witness my Jesus show me how great He is. :)

 He knows the future and I'm content to play the background while he takes the lead.
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
 I'm thankful 

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