February 21, 2011

A Dream

Everyone has a dream right? When you're little everyone wants to be someone great or do something with their life. But I never really had a dream. I never really had talent. To tell you the truth the only thing I ever really wanted to do besides help people was get married and have kids. I know. HORRIBLE! How dare I think such a thought at such a young age! I mean I'm not even 25 yet! To wanna get married and not live my life for myself, being single, havin' fun dating around....I must be dumb or lost. I mean come on who dreams to have kids and wanna take care of them. That's just a silly dream.

That's all I ever hear from the world. No wonder I hide my thoughts, no wonder I stay silent about what I really want. The world thinks I'm crazy! and maybe I am but that's my dream. A dream, ever had one? Ever desired one so much it hurt. I mean you work hard for your dream! You want your dream beyond anything else...then please tell me what's wrong with me being disappointed every now and then that I'm still single. Whatever, tell me I'm young, tell me I'm wasting my time. Your opinions aren't going to change my mind its just gonna make me frustrated with you and respect you less.

I wanna get married. They all say "Marriage is a pain! Its hard work!" Well of course it is! Tell me one thing in the world that's easy besides sitting on your butt and watching TV. Go ahead! Tell me! I'm listening. That's what I thought! Of course its difficult! but I'm positive that it isn't like that all the time. I bet its still beautiful like God intended it to be.

I wanna get married, but you haven't come yet for me...It kind of makes me sad but I'm gonna be a tough girl and suck it up. I can put my "real" dream on hold until God thinks the timing is right. I have culinary arts school to think about and I have many many things to learn but please don't be too hard on me if I get down sometimes, you gotta remember that being married was always my true desire. Its hard to let go of a dream because the timing isn't right but I know you're plan is perfect. So I hold tight to your word and also to Romans 8:28

One day, and hopefully soon....I'll meet you, because honestly I don't wanna waste anymore time. I wanna start getting to know you, everything about you. Come soon.


  1. Em-thats a great dream!

    never let anyone tell you different! And I'm sure that your future husband can't wait to meet you. Your dream will come true :) As will his when he finds you!

  2. I think your dream is wonderful!God put this on your heart and it is what you were made for so don't let anyone deter you from it :) You are going to make one lucky guy a great wife someday! ;)

  3. I Love this Em. It's beautiful! Don't give up on your dreams girl. Cuz if you don't dream them no one will.
