You remember back when we were children... yes I know you remember. Remember when mom used to teach us about Jesus and the bible. Yes? Well remember the story about Jesus dying on the cross so that we could be able to go to heaven... Yes? How often do you think about that? How often do you remember what he did for us...How real is it to you? Because when I was a child... it wasn't very real, but now that I'm growing up I feel that each year with all the different changes and heartbreaks I go through it makes me realize how much harder it was for Jesus to die on the cross... How painful it must have been. I mean, when he died for us, we weren't even grateful. We mocked and spit in his face. How awful is that. He loved us soooo much that he would die for us and we mocked him.
Kinda makes you think, huh?
All I know is that the more I go through in life the more real the Lord's grace he has for me becomes. The more I feel grateful. The more in awe I am of him. I honestly can't say how grateful I am. I wish I could because he deserves it but I can't.
I love the way you give testimony to how and where you see God in everyday life...the ways you remember Him and what He does for you. It's an encouragement. So thanks :). And there is much truth in your post...but I would also challenge you that Jesus came for much more than to allow us to go to heaven. That's a crucial part of it, but the story is so much bigger! and it, too is beautiful. and it's becoming more real for me as well.