October 23, 2011

A Little Change

My life needs a change... so I highlighted my hair, cut my bangs, changed backpacks, changed my purse, changed the way I wear my hair and changed a chair in my room. Think that's enough things changed?? haha Probably not, I'm sure I'll get restless again soon. I find this happens to me a lot when I'm on the brink of figuring something out.. but here's the thing, I'm not sure what I'm really trying to figure out... I know there a lot of untied strings in my life right now but they aren't anything that big... so I'm kind of wondering why all this change is needed... but ohhh well. I kind of like it. Change can be good sometimes. :)

Tell me some things that you guys have changed lately. :) No matter how crazy it is, I wanna hear!

p.s. I'll write my next blog on my adventures of photography and how its changed me. :)


  1. Change hmmm I changed clothes this morning? Hahaha!

  2. In all but one of my classes I sit somewhere different almost every week/class. Moved my room around a week or two ago. and still have NOT changed into winter clothes ;).
