I can say that growing up is tough. Figuring out who you want to be…especially in this world is so so difficult. You have people pulling and tugging at you in all different directions. You have influences that are either A)good or B)bad… and you have to decide on your own what direction you want to travel down and sometimes as teens we pick the wrong road and we feel like its the end of the world but it isn't, its just a detour. & you can either regret it and beat yourself up over it or you can say I was wrong and pick yourself back up and start again.
"You aren't defined by the mistakes you have made…."
So often I feel like we get so caught up in our bad choices and think there is no turning back or that people won't be able to forgive us that we just keep going. But that isn't the truth! The truth is that we're human! You're gonna make mistakes but that's life. That's how you grow and become the person God created you to be! The trick is to take those mistakes, learn from them and allow them to better yourself…
For the past couple days I've been making mental notes of things that have been put on my heart. Things I need to apply to my life. So far I only have seven but I think that's pretty much ;)
1) There is always something good you can take out of a bad situation.
2) Never judge another human being…you don't know they're heart.
3) You are NOT defined by the mistakes you have made.
4) You will always have a second & a third&forth & a fifth chance with God.
5) Remember tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes.
6) Be quick to forgive (that doesn't mean allow others to walk all over you… it just means that you should forgive their mistakes after that you can make the choice on whether it is right to allow them back in your life).
7) Always listen to advice but in the end think for yourself.
If there is one thing I would want you to take from all this it would be; that tomorrow is a new day and everything can change. You aren't defined by the mistakes you make. You can change at any moment. Jesus can take the worst disaster and bring something wonderful from it. You just gotta believe because I truly believe that in the worst moments the best is yet to come. :)
I LOVED this! <3 And of course you already know I love you. :-D