January 31, 2011


January is over and a new month is starting to set it. I'm awfully excited for March and April but ever since I started this culture night every week I'm starting to enjoy each month. This month which was January was African night. The whole reason I decided to dive into different cultures was because of this great christian guy I met, and in honor of him I started with African first. :) I just wish we were still friends so he could see how much he inspired me to follow my dreams and not be scared. All of January I explored different spices and learned about a million different things I didn't even know were out there. Every Sunday my kitchen would smell amazing, and let me tell you... Africans know how to use their spices. Each meal was a different experience for me and something I never would have tried a couple months ago. I would have stared at it and said "Ew, gross. I'll stick to my normal stuff." but I ended up loving and enjoying every second of it. I'm still a hardcore Italian but I'm starting to appreciate different cultures now too.

So now when I graduate and the fall comes around, I'll be going to culinary arts school and I won't be scared because its gonna be a new experience, just like stepping forward and learning different types of food was. Thanks, I'm so thankful God brought you into my life for a season because it pushed me right along. :)

January 30, 2011


....its nights like these that I miss our conversations together...

January 16, 2011


A friend once told me it'd be soo neat if I decided to explore different cultures foods and I just rolled my eyes and thought that person was crazy...I wasn't too interested in it and I was starting to get tired of food...and cooking...but one thing you have to understand about me is that I love cooking and I'm good at it, its what I know. Its something I do when I'm sad, or happy, or bored or just need a break from life, but I was starting to feel like it was just a chore and it wasn't fun anymore.

This same friend also asked me what my new year resolution was going to be and I didn't have an answer but they told me I could get back to them. Sadly they cut me out of their life before I had the chance but if I still had the chance I would tell them that my first resolution would be to

1) Learn to say "No"
2) Learn about different cultures
3) Stop trying to fix everyone
4) Live each day, like it may be my last

I don't want this year to pass me by just cause silly drama or stupid boys. I wanna learn everything I can learn, grow and trust God with all my heart. I wanna become that person he meant me to be...and I'm so thankful I met you because honest truth I don't think I'd be going down this path if you hadn't pushed me along. thank you for that...I just hope you're doing okay, I've kept you in my prayers. I miss you and I'm thankful for you.


January 15, 2011

I feel like I should write something but I'm not sure what to write about...my mind has gone blank, maybe that's a good thing. Life's funny isn't it...sometimes you have soo much to say and then the next thing you can't even think of one word to say! Wish I could tell you guys something exciting in my life but the only thing happening now is I'm recovering from the flu and also learning to say "No" to people. :) You think thats easy well let me tell you, IT ISN'T!!! I'm still working at it. With God's help though I should have it down by the end of 2011.