October 12, 2012

When I Fall in Love

 ....I'm not sure if I believe in love anymore or even a good pure relationship... I really just believe that stuff only happens in fairy tales but if and when I do find love... If its really out there I hope its like the love that Nat King Cole sings about here...

"When I fall in love it will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love
In a restless world like this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

When I give my heart it will be completely
Or I'll never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you.

And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you."

October 11, 2012

Half Smile

 I see you there, as I walk in. 
You smile your smile I know so well. 
I can't help but smile back. 
Knowing that your smile was meant for me. 
We exchange "Hello's" as I walk past, with you always asking how I am.
I quicken my steps as the color reaches my cheeks-- 
and warmth flows down to my toes. 
Once I'm free from your sights I slow my paste, 
 find my breath that you stole with that smile. 
I collect my nerves and finish my shopping, 
but I still feel you glance at me-- 
as I walk down the ails. 

At times I catch your eye and smile. 
I can't help but wonder why you're still with her
I want to ask if you feel what I do... 
because I know there's something there. 
but I try not to dwell to long on those thoughts 
Our time is so short. 

As these thoughts are racing through my mind 
I look up and find your beautiful eyes watching me. 
I smile at you and look down, 
So you don't see me blush. 
 You have a power that you hold over me. 
A power which you don't know you posses, 
but to see you smile at me can make me forget all the problems of life. 

In that moment nothing matters 
In that moment I feel alive. 
I want you and I want you to want me 
But I know their never can be an "us" 

I grab my bags and look one more time at you 
Look at that smile you smile only for me.
Looking into your eyes and give you a half smile, 
because I know I'll only ever have half of you. 
So with that half smile, I drop my head and stare at the floor-- 
as I walk away once again without you.

October 4, 2012

A Quote

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

October 3, 2012

My Summer

During my time in SD we did a photoshoot for Julie's business. This is one of my favorite shots because its so creative :)

A couple weeks before summer break hit the weather was beautiful so the kids and I had an ice cream cone outside on the porch. ;)

He's one really great guy :)

Tilly and Mama

Senior shoot with Tori

One of my favorite shoots from the summer

Mama xoxo

My summmer was full of many moments. Some captured and some that will just have to live forever in my memory. I'm so thankful for summer 2012... it was a year full of laughter and tears and growing up...but what summer isn't?